Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Byron Bay, Australia

We're moving on Sunday! We signed the lease on March 1 and this has been the longest month of all time (longer than December as a child, and that's saying something). A and I are headed just a half mile away from our current place (and still in Cambridge, of course), but we are so so excited for the change for many reasons. While I wait out the last interminable days, here are some lucky gems that I managed to capture in my younger days of taking pictures. Even if I develop my skills in the way that I want to (and eventually get a big girl camera) I'll always be proud of these. To beginnings!

sense a pattern?
What can I say, ocean as muse is not original but it's amazing all the same.
I've always been obsessed with backlighting.
Southland New Zealand, in case you have an immediate "I want to go to there" urge. 
One short. 
NZ again. 
I love fishing boats of all colors, but these are amazing. 
Perfect Golden Hour light and graying sky. 
Red shingles slay me. 


  1. Gosh all these pictures made me want to take a vacation! haha Thanks for that :) Such gorgeous photos. Good luck with your move!

    1. Thanks so much! Moving is absolutely exhausting. Love your blog!
